What’s Self-Belief Got to Do, Got to Do with It?
Adult learners face many challenges in education, and successful completion of mathematics courses continues to be one of these challenges. While there are many reasons for these challenges, two critical challenges are learners’ mathematical self-concept and mathematical self-efficacy. Why are these beliefs so important for a learner to successfully complete college mathematics courses? What are some possible ways to improve these beliefs? Join me for “What’s self-belief got to do, got to do with it?” and we will answer some of these questions, examine some of the existing research to help our students, and share some other strategies that have worked for you.
- What is mathematical self-concept?
- What is mathematical self-efficacy?
- How bad is it really?
- Why are these beliefs so important for a learner?
- What are some possible ways to improve these beliefs?
- Examine some of the existing research to help our students.
- Share some other strategies that have worked for you.
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November 2016 Innovations in Teaching Symposium, Harrisburg, PA
October 2016: Kaplan University Village, online