More Definitions & Other related Probability Topics

Law of Large Numbers states that the more times an experiment is performed the closer the Empirical Probability gets to the Theoretical Probability. This does not mean that ‘your number will eventually come up’.

Sample Space is the set of all possible outcomes in an experiment

Sample Point is any one of the outcomes in the Sample Space

Tree Diagram is one way of listing the Sample Space

The following video goes over Tree Diagrams and is about 5 minutes.

Compound Probability is when the probability of more than one outcome is to be determined

Mutually Exclusive Events are events that can’t both happen

Independent Events happen when one event does not affect the other event in any way

Dependent Events happen when one event does affect the other event in some way

With Replacement is if an item is selected and then put back, it may be chosen again

Without Replacement is if an item is selected, but it is not put back

The following video goes over the above definitions and is about 2.75 minutes.

Or Probability is the probability that either event will occur.P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A and B)P(A and B) in this case is the probability that they both occur at the same time, this will be 0 if they are mutually exclusive.

And Probability is the probability that both events will occur.P(A and B) = P(A)*P(B)This time, they are two events, and the concept is similar to the counting principle.

The Or & And Probabilities are similar to the Union and Intersection of Sets. (link to old site)

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