Can Mathematical Self-Beliefs Be Increased?


Strengthening mathematical self-beliefs prior to taking math courses, can greatly improve coursework results as noted by Jameson and Fusco (2014) and others. We will briefly examine why these beliefs are important and a few ways they can be strengthened.

In “Can Mathematical Self-Beliefs be Strengthened?” we will examine the results collected on Kaplan students from a recent dissertation study, to determine if Mathematical Self-Beliefs can be increased outside the formal classroom using serious math games.

  • Mathematical Self-Beliefs
  • Why are these Self-Beliefs Important?
  • How can they be strengthened?
  • My Research
  • Additional Resources
Additional Resources

Betz, N. E., & Hackett, G. (1983). The relationship of mathematics self-efficacy expectations to the selection of science-based college majors. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 23(3), 329–345.

Boaler, J., & Sengupta-Irving, T. (2016). The many colors of algebra: The impact of equity focused teaching upon student learning and engagement. Journal of Mathematical Behavior.

Eyster, T. (2017) Serious Mathematics Games Bolster Self-Concept and Self-Efficacy in Women Learners (Doctoral dissertation, Northcentral University).

Finlayson, M. (2014). Addressing math anxiety in the classroom. Improving Schools, 17(1), 99–115.

Jameson, M. M., & Fusco, B. R. (2014). Math anxiety, mathematical self-concept, and mathematical self-efficacy in adult learners compared to traditional undergraduate students. Adult Education Quarterly, 64(4), 306–322.

Ke, F. (2013). Computer-game-based tutoring of mathematics. Computers and Education, 60(1), 448–457.

Mesa, V. (2012). Achievement goal orientations of community college mathematics students and the misalignment of instructor perceptions. Community College Review, 40(1), 46–74.

Pareto, L., Haake, M., Lindström, P., Sjödén, B., & Gulz, A. (2012). A teachable-agent-based game affording collaboration and competition: Evaluating math comprehension and motivation. Educational Technology Research and Development, 60, 723–751.

Parker, P. D., Marsh, H. W., Ciarrochi, J., Marshall, S., & Abduljabbar, A. S. (2014). Juxtaposing math self-efficacy and self-concept as predictors of long-term achievement outcomes. Educational Psychology, 34(1), 29–48.

October, 2017 @ Kaplan University Village, online

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