Odds Against & Odds In Favor
Odds Against is the ratio of the probability of failure to the probability of success, and is written with a colon for the answer.Odds Against = P(Failure)/P(Success), so re-examining the “rolling a 3” from above. The P(success) = 7/20, the P(failure) = 13/20, so the Odds Against are 13:7. It may be necessary to review division of fractions. (link to old page still)
The following video goes over Odds Against and is about 3 minutes..
Odds In Favor is the ratio of the probability of success to the probability of failure, and is written with a colon for the answer.Odds in Favor = P(Success)/P(Failure), so re-examining the “rolling a 3” from above. The P(success) = 7/20, the P(failure) = 13/20, so the Odds in Favor are 7:13.
The following video goes over Odds In Favor and is about 2 minutes.