Garlic Chives

Garlic Chives

Allium tuberosum

Chinese Chives

Uses: C, CO, CR, G, H, M

Parts Used: L, F

Culinary: Mild garlic flavor, delicious in savory dishes, salads, soups, spreads and flavored vinegars. Garlic chive flowers are edible in the bud stage or freshly opened (try in stirfry). Snipped chive leaves should be used to flavor butter or oil, which must be frozen if kept more than a week or so (in the refrigerator); or seal in plastic bags and freeze. It is not worthwhile to dry or freeze chives. Use leaves or flowers as a garnish.

Cosmetic: hair care

Craft: The opened flowers are attractive cut flowers with a sweet aroma. Flowers dry well for winter bouquets.

Household: Wards off Japanese beetles and black spit for its companions. Planted with apples prevents apple scab. make a chive tea to spray on apple scab, or on powdery mildew on gooseberries and cucumbers. Inhibits growth for non-companions.

Disclaimer: Rams Hill Farm only includes Medicinal & Cosmetic use as a reference. Rams Hill Farm does not claim any medical knowledge. Readers should consult their physician before using any herbs for medicinal purposes. They should research these herbs on their own for risks, dosages, concerns, etc., particularly if these are intended for any medicinal treatments.

Drying Herbs: Hang in warm, dark, well-ventilated area until herbs are crisp(about 2 weeks). Store in a cool, dark area away from heat. Crumble herbs only as needed to retain the best possible flavor. A screen may also be used to dry any leaves not on a stem. Alternatively, herbs may be left in the fridge for several weeks to dry, this helps to retain the best color and flavor. Microwaving may cause the herbs to loose flavor from the high heat.

Uses abbreviations: Culinary; COsmetic; CRaft; Household; Medicinal; Ornamental; Fragrance; Economic; everLasting; Dye plant; Butterfly, bird, bee plant; Native

Parts Used abbreviations: Bark, Flowers, FRuit, Leaves, Roots, Seeds

Herbs Geoffrey Burnie, Consultant Editor Fog City Press
Herb Bible McHoy, Peter & Pamela Westland
Kitchen Garden Planner Trout, Darrel Country Home Books
Potpourri Gardener James, Theodore, Jr Macmillian Publishing
Herb Society of America
Mountain Meadow Seeds
There may be others
Garlic Chives